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an aerial view of a city with a sunset in the background . Barter'sTravelnet

Cairo, a city that straddles the ages, stands as a captivating testament to human civilization's enduring legacy.

Venture into the heart of Old Cairo and immerse yourself in the labyrinthine alleyways of Khan el-Khalili, a bustling marketplace that has been a hub of commerce and cultural exchange for centuries.

Ascend the steps of the iconic Muhammad Ali Mosque, an alabaster masterpiece that crowns the city skyline.

Embark on a journey through time at the Giza Plateau, where the enigmatic Pyramids of Giza stand as eternal guardians of ancient secrets. Marvel at the sheer scale of these colossal structures, testaments to the engineering prowess of a bygone era.

Delve into the depths of Egyptian history at the Egyptian Museum, a treasure trove of pharaonic artefacts that will captivate your imagination. Wander through galleries filled with mummified remains, exquisite jewellery, and sarcophagi.

At sunset, cruise along the Nile River, witnessing the city's skyline aglow with the golden hues of dusk.

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