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an aerial view of the skyline of atlanta at sunset . Barter's Travelnet

Atlanta is the capital and most densely populated city in Georgia and offers plenty of activities. One of its most iconic attractions is the World of Coca-Cola Museum. Despite the seemingly unusual choice of creating a museum dedicated to a soft drink, Atlanta is deeply connected to Coca-Cola. The company's headquarters is located here, and the beverage was invented in the city, playing a significant role in Atlanta's development over the past 130 years.

For those with a preference for aquatic delights, the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta is a stunning paradise. Housing over 100,000 individual aquatic animals representing around 500 species, the aquarium boasts over ten million gallons of water.

A visit to the Georgia Aquarium pairs well with a trip to the Atlanta Zoo, which spans 40 acres and is home to 1,500 animals representing 220 species. Among the zoo's diverse inhabitants, the most popular are the giant pandas Lun Lun and Yang Yang.

Stone Mountain stands as the most visited tourist attraction in Georgia. Spanning about five miles in circumference and towering over 500 meters, this geological wonder is renowned not only for its striking natural features but also for hosting the world's largest bas-relief carving. The carving, depicting Confederate leaders Robert E. Lee, Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson, and President Jefferson Davis, covers an area of over 6,000 square meters and rises some 400 feet above the ground.

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